Academic Pathways For Students | Career Pathways For Skilled Workers | Investment Pathways For Businesspeople

Bringing people closer
by navigating diversity
We believe that diversity is strength. That’s why we are Germany’s leaders at facilitating the studies and careers of young people from around the world.
Now we are extending our successful track to fostering global entrepreneurship and investment.
A Global Network Of Partners


We are currently launching our new SMART GENIUS PATHWAYS program that comprehensively addresses the needs of foreign investors seeking investment opportunities in Germany.
Based on our proprietary seven-step method, our team of licensed experts take the investor through every step of the process, from asset sourcing to company creation or acquisition.
The strength of SMART GENIUS PATHWAYS is that we are leveraging 3 decades of global network building within the academic and human resources sectors to provide a 360º service.
Beyond asset sourcing and acquisition, our turnkey program covers work or residential visas for investors and family members, student visas for their children, a choices of academic pathways to choose from, HR services and relocation coordination.
We are initially launching our program in Germany, focusing on the real estate sector.
Are you looking to invest and relocate in Germany?

In over 25 years, we have empowered 20,000+ students from 80 countries with a real chance for a successful future through the academic and career opportunities available from the EURASIA Institute.
My mission now is to give the same opportunity to millions more!
Andrew Geddes
Founder EURASIA Institute for International Education
It is because communicating is connecting, and only genuine understanding brings people together that this is the founding ideal driving the Berlin-based EURASIA Institute. For over a quarter of a century, our international team have developed unique expertise in bringing people together from all over the world.
Academic Pathways
Our greatest achievement to date is the creation of a well-established international school and university network that mutually benefit a multitude of stakeholders ranging from students to corporate entities.
When I founded the EURASIA Institute around 30 years ago, my vision was to empower young people globally with a better future through learning languages as well as academic and career pathways.
No vision is ever fulfilled alone. I was fortunate to be joined by an extraordinary, albeit eclectic team. We come from Germany, the UK, Russia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Romania, China, Uganda, Vietnam, and all of us rich with our own cultural heritage and unique skills. In many ways, we are the embodiment of all we have been building over the years.
EURASIA, as part of an international educational vision, is supported in its vision. Working with global partners has empowered us with the knowledge that we can make a world of difference.
Our team, in addition, to be highly capable, is characterised by warmth, a passion for diversity and respect. These attributes have been central in our ability to implement a complex educational ecosystem and methods that systemise the hand-holding processes that facilitate the often difficult initial integration of foreign students into German academic life.

Career Pathways
We are leveraging the methods and expertise acquired through our EURASIA Network to create opportunities for young people around the world to successfully integrate the German employment market while answering a genuine demand from the local economy.

Germany is suffering from an exceptionally low indigenous demographic growth. Consequently, the German economy is short of manpower in key sectors. This is where our hands-on, thematic and targeted approach provides us with substantial advantages.
We believe that a generalist approach dilutes our ability to provide genuine solutions to our candidates. Such an example is our HR campaign for the nursing sector, whereby targeted partnerships are rapidly yielding superior results.

Our services brochure guide our candidates as to how they can qualify, how to apply for a first job, employer profiling, employments terms and conditions, how best to prepare CVs and interviews, and many more aspects of successfully gaining employment.
Our hand-holding methods also cover the candidate’s stay in Germany, integration, required documentation and last but not least how we will support them during the entire process.
Investment Pathways
It is no secret to anyone that the world is undergoing fundamental change. This disruption is ongoing and is here to stay. We see this as an opportunity, especially for those who want to establish a foothold in the creation, and shaping, of this new and evolving world.

Diversity and disruption are one and the same. Ensuring that diversity is a force for good requires the creation of wealth at an individual level as well as for society as a whole.
This is why we create SMART GENIUS PATHWAYS, a novel seven-step asset sourcing to acquisition process that addresses the needs of the international investor and his/her family.
Our licensed experts ensure foreign investors accesses superior investment opportunities in Germany, with the benefit of an end-to-end service covering all legal requirements, immigration, student visas, work permits, schooling and/or career paths as well as employment.
This is our answer to bringing people together and building a better world based on diversity and respect.
Discover our 7-step investment process and our team of experts