Why Germany?
10 reasons to study, work and invest in Germany
Germany is Europe’s economic powerhouse with one of the largest markets, a strong export base, massive foreign direct investment, an excellent infrastructure, huge innovative capacity and a solid education and research system.
So why would anybody want to study, work or invest there?
Listen …

1. Education
First of all, let’s start with education.
The education system doesn’t just strive for excellence through its research-based and practice-oriented approach. It’s driven by the belief that education is a human right and should be affordable for all.
This means that everybody, including foreign students and trainees, can benefit from century-old training and learning systems – more or less free of charge – the value proposition is stunning!
Find out more about your ideal educational pathway in a personal consultation session now by clicking on the button below.
2. Opportunities
Shh…it’s a secret, but Germany’s graduates and alumni are some of the most sought after on the planet when it comes to innovation, precision and drive.
Germany’s engineers are like gold dust! So you graduate in Germany! Then what! Learn, train, study and research in this unstoppable country and become the next German success story!
If you would like to learn how to become a highly paid professional in Germany then sign up now for a scientific career assessment to help you discover your dream career and explore this together in one of my personal debriefing sessions.

3. Quality of Life
Okay well that all sounds quite awesome. But definitely not good enough to uproot everything and leave your own country! As a fully trained specialist, nothing is easier than to come to Germany to practise your profession in a highly sophisticated environment with appreciative clients and customers.
If you still need some persuading then ask one of the 7 million non-Germans who already resettled here. The probability of your earning potential and standards and quality of life being higher in Germany are probably close to 100%.
Send in your credentials and letter of motivation to get your own personal assessment and roadmap on how to make this dream reality.
4. Economic Development
Now I can hear you thinking. What if I can’t get a place to study, train and research or how can I even find a highly paid position if I can’t find my way around?
In 2018 the German government issued a list of highly sought after professions where the demand cannot be met by domestic supply. The demographic developments in Germany have created a situation that makes the job market perfect for you to jump in and grab your opportunity as a foreign specialist.
If you are still not sure if you can “market” yourself to those opportunities then please don’t delay – just jump on a call and find out how you can optimize your CV, letter of motivation and application portfolio.

5. The Market
Damn! Everything seems perfect! A land of opportunities in the middle of the EU, the only economic block of 26 countries on the planet with visa-free travel for everybody. Then you find out that the Germans have their own language. German is known as the language of poets and philosophers, but also the language of technicians, discoverers, inventors and engineers.
With German under your belt, you can freely communicate with more than 130 million people. The language – like the people – is predictable and follows a clear set of rules. Mastering the language gives you access to some of the richest economies and most lucrative business deals on the planet. The good news is that EIIE runs the fastest German language programme on the planet with a success guarantee!
Sign up now and get your first German lesson for free or a placement test if you have already begun learning!
6. Start-ups
So you know you can come to Germany, study for free and even land a great job with an MNC and earn a heap of cash – and you still think that sounds boring and undynamic.
Got it! You want to invest in a start-up and go for your first million. Well, the good news is that Berlin is one of the world’s largest start-up capitals.
The tax system is competitive, the business environment steady, dynamic and supportive and the infrastructure leaves nothing to be desired.
Setting up a company in Germany requires certain bureaucratic procedures, a clear business roadmap and a small investment. If you would like to weigh up the pros and cons of coming to Germany as an entrepreneur we will go through the basics together in a 30-minute session on zoom.

7. Invesment
Germany’s sophisticated infrastructure, clean energy drive, secure investment framework, competitive business tax rates and dynamic business environment all make it an attractive location for real estate investments with a steady and predictable ROI. Both in the area of business as well as private real estate there are still many bargain hunters buying up attractive properties from all over the world.
The German’s refer to it as concrete gold. Don’t delay any longer and benefit from 10year fixed mortgage rates as low as 0.5%!
Book a confidential meeting and find out how our real estate specialists can help you to make a secure investment in a premium location in Germany.
8. Strong Economic Backbone
Germany has a long tradition of family-run businesses with over a million small and medium-sized family-run companies forming the backbone of the German economy. But what happens when the birth rate decreases and the population get older? Right – at a macroeconomic level – mergers and acquisitions are one way out of the dilemma.
If you are interested in investing between 0.5 million and 50 million euros in acquiring a successfully managed business during the handover phase, you will need to find out how our smart genius investment pathway can help you achieve this investment goal over a period of between 1 and 3 years.
Schedule a confidential call to find out if we can match your business plans with a German acquisition target company.

9. Spearhead of Change
The top issuer of patents in the whole of the EU is Germany! It is world-renowned for its innovative prowess across all industrial fields with some of the top world companies being registered on the blue-chip stock exchange, the DAX. Especially in the field of new energies and environmental technology Germany has always been a powerhouse of the invention.
The great news is that the government, industry and the banking sector are just waiting for the next project to be tabled. If you have a new business idea or invention but no funding.
Get in touch with me to find out if you can qualify for venture capital or funding through business angels.
10. Permanent Residence
Last but not least Germany offers an amazing quality of life.
WORK LIFE BALANCE IS WRITTEN IN CAPS. You can settle down here in your newly purchased residence with your kids well-educated and thriving in highly paid employment while you continue to develop your international business in the EU and enjoy a secure and fulfilling life in a green and unpolluted environment with one of the lowest crime rates.
If that sounds like your kind of life, you need to look into the opportunities given by our smart genius pathway product family.
Find out how our relocation packages can help you realize this and other dreams and set up a private 1:1 consultation with me today.